Stellenbosch University
4th-6th April 2018

Thank you!

The organisers would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended SANUM2018, we think it was a huge success!

SANUM2018 conference photo

What is SANUM?

South African Numerical and Applied Mathematics (SANUM) is a special interest group for South African and international academics in the areas of applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and scientific computing, and a yearly (typically three-day) symposium with presentations and posters on these and related topics.

The symposium currently rotates between three host institutions: Stellenbosch University, the University of Pretoria, and the University of the Witwatersrand. It serves as the annual symposium for the Applied and Numerical Mathematics research theme of the NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE MaSS).

SANUM2018 Conference

The 42nd SANUM conference will take place at Stellenbosch University in 4-6 April 2018. Registration is open.
In the meantime we encourage you to pre-register here or by mailing us at

SANUM2018 Plenary speakers

We are pleased to announce the following plenary speakers:

Jon Chapman
(University of Oxford)
Patrick Dorey
(University of Durham)
Daan Huybrechs
(KU Leuven)
Jon Chapman (University of Oxford) The making of an Escher: conformal maps and the Droste effect.
Patrick Dorey (University of Durham) Breaking integrability at the boundary
Daan Huybrechs (KU Leuven) The benefits and pitfalls of redundancy in the approximation of functions
Kerstin Jordaan
Paul Milewski
(University of Bath)
Kerstin Jordaan (UNISA) Properties of orthogonal polynomials characterized by structural relations
Paul Milewski (University of Bath) Understanding the Complex Dynamics of Faraday Pilot Waves
Kailash Patidar
Holger Rauhut
(RWTH Aachen University)
Valeria Simoncini
(Università di Bologna)
Kailash Patidar (UWC) Modelling and robust simulations of slow-fast dynamical systems
Holger Rauhut (RWTH Aachen University) Compressive sensing and its use for the numerical solution of parametric PDEs
Valeria Simoncini (Università di Bologna) On the numerical solution of large-scale linear matrix equations

SANUM2018 Special sessions

We are pleased to announce the following special sessions: